Ben Gonzales
Senior Pastor
Pastor Ben Gonzales grew up in Rochester Hills, Michigan. He trusted Christ as his Savior at the age of seven, while attending Rochester Hills Baptist Church. Through God's leading in his life, he was able to attend Maranatha Baptist Bible College, Bob Jones University, and Liberty University where he graduated. While in college, Pastor Gonzales surrendered to full-time Christian ministry. Over the years he has served as a School Teacher, Coach, Music Pastor, Youth Pastor, and Assistant Pastor; with over 20 years in ministry. Pastor Gonzales married his wife Shannon in 2001. They have been blessed with 3 wonderful children Michaela, Grant, and Brooklyn.
Meet Our Missionaries

Riley Buchalski
Assistant & Youth Pastor
Pastor Riley Buchalski grew up in Montrose, Michigan. He received Christ as his personal Lord and Savior at the age of ten while attending Trinity Baptist Church of Flushing, MI. Three years later he felt God calling him to full-time ministry and surrendered to that call while at summer camp. He completed his degree in Pastoral Studies at Pensacola Christian College. He also spent many summers working at the WILDS of North Carolina as well as various church internships. He married his wife Abby in the summer of 2021 and accepted the call to join the staff of FBC Goodrich in the fall of 2021. Pastor Riley leads the Youth Ministry as well as the Missions and Outreach Programs at FBC.